Rozenjoze Serious Junk ~ We Find the Junk You Take Serious We hope to present you with some enlightening information, thoughts and dialog on all things Junk. We define Junk as things you don't need to live, but make your life so much brighter if you have what you like. Join us here to see & learn about fun and interesting Junk.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Antiques Co-Op our blood...
Hey, guess what?
We're at it again! Its just in our blood and we can't help ourselves, but once again we're going to have a space in an antiques co-op.
This time its in the East Broad Antiques in Quakertown at the corner of Routes 212 & 313. The 200 East Antiques Co-op is catty corner to the place we're in, but both places are owned by the same person.
This photo was taken from
The space isn't a booth or a case, but a small section on the opposite sides of a doorway that leads to the front window and is at the bottom of the stairs that leads to the 2nd floor. It's just enough for now. Great light, good traffic walking by and hard to miss.
Been a long time since we did this, so getting ready is tough trying to remember everything we'll need for it and evenings are spent pricing items and days are spent acquiring inventory, but we'll be in just in time for the holidays!
I feel we're much smarter now than we were back in 1998 when we tried this and we want to be different so folks know our stuff and the staff will know just from our tags where someone got something when they bring it to the counter!
13 years ago, there wasn't social media or blogs as a way to self-promote which, in essence we have to do along with the advertising the co-op does for us. So, here we are shamelessly self-promo'ing!
East Broad,
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween: Before & After
A freakish Nor'easter came our way over the Halloween weekend. There was a prediction all week prior to the storm that it was gonna be a biggin', and of course we don't usually get these kinds of storms so early and don't always get what the weather predictors say we'll get, so most of us here on the East Coast had that, "I'll believe it when I see it," kind of attitude.
This is what driving home was like Saturday afternoon!

Visibility was awful and with leaves on trees, they were bound to come down on wires, making driving a bit frightful!
We came home to a house without power, which in our case means no flushing toilets and no heat source. It is now Tuesday and things are pretty much the same. Except, I am currently using the free WiFi at Starbucks and meeting some very nice people to spend the day with...not much chatting, but sharing tables and general niceties in such adverse conditions. Even got a free Frappiccino yesterday!
We've had some generator power to keep the fridge running and work a small ceramic space heater, candles, a grill to use and lots of blankets for this crazy, cold weather.
Water is an ever increasing worry...with my animals - three dogs and five indoor cats, four barn cats, a horse, a potbelly pig and 13 chickens...there's always the risk that we'll run out of what we normally have saved & bottled in such circumstances. So far, the snow is coming in handy.
Damage has been substantial to trees. We've lost some branches on our own trees.
However, it's the tall, yet young oaks that line our neighbor's property that have come down on our electric fence...devastating, really.
According to our power company, it'll take till Thursday to get us back up and, I guess I'll be hanging here at Starbucks or maybe the library for the next few days!
Friends are dear and offering info on where showers are being given and offering their homes for such hygiene tasts and hot meals.
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